Sunday, April 27, 2008

Harper's Ferry, West Virginia

So we're almost back over the Mason-Dixon line. Yesterday afternoon, Adam and I made it out of the infamous "Rollercoaster" section (named because of its 10 accents and decents within about 13 miles) into Harper's Ferry. The night before we spent the night at the Bears Den Hostel; an old stone building on top of a mountain near Bears Den Rocks, which used to be the beautiful home of some wealthy family. We're taking a day of rest sans-hiking at my Uncle Pete's nearby in Maryland. My mom came down from CT, picked us up at Harper's Ferry, then took us back here. We had a fest last night, complete with steaks, spaetzle (German noodles), esparagas, and beer to our content. After another night here, we'll be heading back out on the trail tomorrow.
This morning we toured around Harper's Ferry a little bit. The historic town has many interesting things to offer, the dominating factor being its role in the Civil War Era. It was also awe-inspiring to hike in over the monstrous Shenandoah River yesterday. Tomorrow we'll be crossing the Potomac on an old RR bridge in order to get over the border to Maryland.
That's it for now, gonna take advantage of our remaining rest time to do absolutely nothing. I shaved my 2 month beard yesterday. I think I'll appreciate losing the extra hair, especially in this warm weather we've been having.
P.S. We also passed the 1000 mile mark on our hike into Harper's Ferry yesterday, which was exciting. Adam and I celebrated with a high-five.

-Samsa (Phil)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A 2 month-old beard!!! I recently learned the word "lumberjack". In proper English, that's a "logger". I think you fit the profile.